A collection of shorts about women in the workplace.
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Directed By: Braden Dereniwski
Cast: Marina Cole
Canada, 9 minutes
A documentary featuring Marina Cole, a chainsaw carver who carves driftwood and other recycled materials into beautiful pieces of art. The film also examines her approach and process to creativity.
Festivals & Awards:
Calgary International Film Festival
Directed By: Heather Jack
Written By: Molly Anne Coogan
Cast: Molly Anne Coogan, Lennon Parham, Vivian Bang, Tara Karsian, Patrick Curran, Aman Adumer, Bill Glass
Thirty-five. Out of work. Coping with a recent miscarriage. Life feels like one big avalanche for comedy writer Jo McDowell. But when she lands a meeting that could turn her career around, she has to make a decision: Tell the truth about her loss, or go for the laugh? A poignant and comedic look at what women have to push down, push through, and put up with to get to the top. Based on a true story.
Festivals & Awards:
Lower East Side Film Festival
Mill Valley Film Festival
Calgary International Film Festival
The Girl With The Rivet Gun 
Directed By: Anne de Mare & Kirsten Kelly
Cast: Esther Horne, Susan Taylor King, Mildred Crow Sargent
Taking you beyond the iconic “We Can Do It” poster girl to the millions of real-life women who shook the foundations of the American workplace – forever changing both their own lives and the very perception of what women can do.
Festivals & Awards:
Modern Whore 
Directed By: Nicole Bazuin
Written By: Nicole Bazuin
Cast: Andrea Werhun, Michael Cuddy, John Marcucci, Chester Brown
Former escort Andrea Werhun shares the ins and outs of escort review board culture to expose deeper complexities of sexual power and social stigma in a post #metoo world.
Festivals & Awards:
Sydney Underground Film Festival – Best Documentary
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