Directed By: Theodore Collatos & Carolina Monnerat
Cast: Luana Muniz
Documentary Feature
USA, 73 minutes
Larger-than-life actress, cabaret performer, activist, and proud sex professional since the age of eleven, Luana Muniz – arguably one of Brazil’s most recognizable transgender personalities, shapes a new reality for a new generation of transgender sex workers in her hostel by providing a safe working environment in the dangerous neighborhood of Lapa in Rio de Janeiro.
Queen of Lapa explores the day-to-day lives, quests for love, housemate rivalries in a turbulent political climate under matriarch Muniz’s watchful and guiding eye.
Festivals & Awards:
NewFest NYC – Grand Jury Prize Best Documentary
Sidewalk Film Festival
Tallahassee Film Festival
Oxford Film Festival
San Francisco Independent Film Festival
preceded by:
A Normal Girl 
Directed By: Aubree Bernier-Clarke
Written By: Pidgeon Pagonis
Cast: Louise Martin, Alejandra Gollas, Tonya Cornelisse, Russell Simpson, Cameron Tagge, Stephen Keep Mills
A NORMAL GIRL brings the widely unknown struggles of intersex people to light through the story of intersex activist Pidgeon Pagonis.
Festivals & Awards:
Directed By: Bonnie Discepolo
Written By: Bonnie Discepolo & Trevor Munson
Cast: Anna Camp, Monique Coleman, Daniel Eric Gold, Katie Beth West
“GraceLand uses the metaphor of a child believing that he is the reincarnation of Elvis Presley as a vehicle to explore gender identity and self-expression, juxtaposed with parents who do not understand or support.
It’s an allegory and a shows a mother’s journey from disapproval to understanding.
I created this film, to bring a little joy into the world.”
Festivals & Awards:
Bentonville Film Festival