In 1940, Joe Simon & Jack Kirby (two American Jews), created Captain America. On the cover of Captain America Comics #1, Cap is seen punching Adolf Hitler. Captain America (2011) recreated this scene, and in the last 10 years, Captain America has been in eleven wildly successful films, including the highest grossing film of all time. Meanwhile, we’ve seen a rise in white supremacy, fascism and violence across this country. In some circles, “Always Punch Nazis” has become an broader expression that means “resist fascism at every opportunity”, which I endorse, but these two shorts also feature Nazis getting their just desserts through physical harm.
A Head Shorter
Directed By: Sasha Bortnik
Written By: Sasha Bortnik
Cast: Naftali Deutsch, Greg Berman
A Head Shorter is a 2D animated documentary short narrated by Naftali Deutsch. The film begins in the spring of 1944 when Naftali and his entire family are forced to leave their home in Kimyat, a village in the Carpatho-Ukraine region, and sent to Auschwitz. Naftali recounts his harrowing journey as a 12 year old boy in the Holocaust and how he survived multiple concentration camps.
Festivals & Awards:
St. Louis Film Festival
Rhode Island International Film Festival
Dwayne’s World
Directed By: Geno DiMaria
Cast: Dwayne Stafford, Marvin Pendarvis, Jason Gourdine
“On June 17, 2015, white supremacist Dylann Roof murdered 9 members of Emanuel AME Church.
On August 4, 2016, Roof was assaulted by fellow inmate Dwayne Stafford.
This is Dwayne’s story.”
Festivals & Awards:
Roxbury Film Festival
Urbanworld Film Festival