Directed By: Wen Li
Written By: Wen Li & Fei Xiang
Cast: Jialei Fan, Mochen Wang Yuan, Shunlin Wu
Narrative Feature
USA, 80 minutes
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Yuan Jiang, a young painter, journeys into the land of the Taogu Mountains and encounters its isolated inhabitants. He is moved by their worship of the Gods, and particularly that of the kind Bai and his mute, wild, carefree, and beautiful daughter Jiu’er. Feelings To Tell captures Jiu’er and Yuan’s relationship: how he is fascinated by the rituals she carries out as much as she is by his paintings of their landscapes. But beneath their friendship lies the truth that she must prepare for her transition into a mountain goddess. Featuring gorgeous cinematography, capturing the freshness and luscious beauty of the mountains. We also see the grace of Jiu’er’s movements as she prepares her dance for the ceremony. This contrasts with the washed-out greys and whites of Yuan’s city as he returns to his dying grandfather. The film plays with the concepts of running out of time and timelessness, and the cross-over this young painter experiences between the secular world and the one of worship, between the mortal and the immortal
Festivals & Awards:
Raindance Film Festival
Beloit International Film Festival